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Happiness and abundance are not things found in other people or material possessions…they are inside of us all! So, why do most of us feel like crap half the time and stressed out the other?! Why do so many women give all the energy they have, plus some, to great causes and still end up feeling empty and alone? Well, maybe it’s because we have forgotten to stop and say “thank you!”
In this episode, Angela and Toni urge everyone to cultivate that “attitude of gratitude” we’ve all been hearing about from motivational gurus like Zig Ziglar (who coined the phrase) and Oprah Winfrey for years. It’s time the whole world understands the benefits of feeling, and expressing, gratitude!
So, pick up a beautiful journal or plain old spiral notebook, start keeping a gratitude journal and watch your life transform from one of “lack” to one of over-flowing joy!
Books mentioned in this episode:
Be Here Now by Ram Dass
Movies mentioned in this episode:
Happythankyoumoreplease (Angela forgot the “Happy” in the recorded show! Oops!)
Websites mentioned in this episode:
- It’s Just A Vagina blog by Toinette Vizard
Other podcasts mentioned in this episode:
The Greater Good Podcast with host Michael Bergeison
Rick Hanson on the Neuroscience of Happiness
- Happiness Matters Podcast with hosts Dr. Christine Carter and Nurse Rona Renner
We want to express how thankful we are to you for being such fabulous listeners! Toni and I are truly humbled to be heard on such a large scale around the world! We wish for you all to tap into that love and happiness that lives right inside of you!
as always…………..both of you did a fabulous job on this topic! i love the balance-the honesty-helping others know ‘they are not alone’ (in their thoughts and feelings-not just the physical) and they can get ‘back in the driver’s seat’ and make better decisions and choices-be more ‘present and aware’! i have (from personal experiences) come to realize that i rejoice in my sorrows as well as my joys during the holidays. feelings come and go-the deeper i feel my sorrows means the deeper i will feel my joys. my hopes and prayers is that those who listen to your podcasts will embrace ALL their feelings-to honor them-to know they are there to help us-to bring goodness to us. (i loved hearing the ‘opening up of the heart’ spoken of in this podcast!!! ) again thank you for the wonderful work and love you are sharing with everyone! i’m ‘grateful’ for both of you and everyone involved who make vagina chronicles the blessing it is!!!!